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Extend The Flowcore CLI

The Flowcore CLI allows you to stream data from Flowcore. You can extend the CLI and add your own commands to fit your needs.

Add a new command

To add a new command you need to use the oclif command generator to create a new command.

npx oclif generate <plugin name>


We suggest that you prefix the plugin name with flowcore-cli-plugin- to make it easier to find.

Include the basics

To get the benefit of the already existing integration with the Flowcore API, use the @flowcore/cli-plugin-config and @flowcore/cli-plugin-core plugins.

yarn add @flowcore/cli-plugin-config @flowcore/cli-plugin-core

or with npm

npm install @flowcore/cli-plugin-config @flowcore/cli-plugin-core


To use the streaming functionality you can initialize and register the stream service in the run method of the command.

import {StreamService, STREAM_FLAGS, STREAM_ARGS} from '@flowcore/cli-plugin-core';
import {BaseCommand} from '@flowcore/cli-plugin-config';

class CommandName extends BaseCommand<CommandName> {
  static args = STREAM_ARGS;
  static flags = STREAM_FLAGS;

  public async run(): Promise<void> {
    const { args, flags } = await this.parse(CommandName);

    const yourOutputService = new YourOutputService(flags);

    const streamService = new StreamService(this.cliConfiguration);


    await streamService.init(args.STREAM, flags);

    await streamService.startStream();

you can then create your own output service to handle the data, for example:

import {SourceEvent, OutputService} from "@flowcore/cli-plugin-core";

export class LogOutputService implements OutputService {
  constructor() {

  getDescription(): string {
    return "Simple log output."

  getName(): string {
    return "log";

  async process(event: SourceEvent) {