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Create Resources

The Flowcore CLI allows you to create resources in Flowcore using a manifest file. This is useful for creating multiple resources at once, or for creating resources in a CI/CD pipeline.

Data Cores

To create a data core, you can use the apply command with a manifest file. The manifest file should be in YAML format.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-data-core
  description: "An example data core"
      description: "An example flow type"
          description: "An example event"

to generate a manifest file, you can use the generate command:

flowcore data-core generate manifest -t example-tenant --placeholder

this will generate a flowcore.yaml file, then run the following command to apply the manifest file

flowcore data-core apply -f flowcore.yaml

this will create a plan to create the data core, and then apply the plan to create the data core.


If a data core already exists in the manifest file, you will be prompted to overwrite the existing data core. pass the --overwrite flag to overwrite the existing data core without being prompted.


To create a scenario, you can use the apply command with a manifest file. The manifest file should be in YAML format.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
  description: "An example scenario"
      description: "An example transformer"
      dataCore: example-data-core
      flowType: example
        - example.event.0
        - name: PROXY_ENDPOINT
          type: manual
          value: ""
        artifactUrl: ""

to generate a manifest file, you can use the generate command:

flowcore scenario generate manifest -t example-tenant --placeholder

this will generate a flowcore.yaml file, then run the following command to apply the manifest file

flowcore scenario apply -f scenario.yaml

this will create a plan to create the scenario, and then apply the plan to create the scenario.


Parameters can be configured with a type of manual, secret or variable. The manual type is used for parameters that are manually set by the user. The secret type is used for parameters that are sensitive and are stored on the organization level. The variable type is used for parameters that are set on the organization level and are shared across all scenarios in the organization.

If you don’t have any parameters to set, you can simply write the following
parameters: [].

Apply all resources

You can also apply all resources in a manifest file at once by using the root apply command:

flowcore apply -f manifest.yaml

Delete Protection

By default, data cores are created without delete protection enabled. You can enable delete protection by setting deleteProtection to true for each resource in the manifest file.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-data-core
  deleteProtection: true

Keep in mind that if delete protection is enabled on a resource all nested resources will also have delete protection enabled. To delete a resource with delete protection enabled, you must first disable delete protection.

Transformer Size

By default, transformers are created with a size of SMALL. You can set the size of the transformer by setting the size field to SMALL, MEDIUM or LARGE or XLARGE in the manifest file.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
      size: "medium"

This will set the resource requirements for the transformers. The size of the transformer will determine the amount of CPU and memory allocated to the transformer.


In the table below you can see the resource requirements for the different sizes of transformers. The transformer unit indicates what the transformer will consume in terms of cost. A single unit costs $10 per month. (5 are included in the free tier)

SizeCPU (vCPU)Memory (MB)Transformer Units

Page Size

By default, transformers are created with a page size of 1000. You can set the page size of the transformer by setting the pageSize field to a number in the manifest file.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
      pageSize: 5000

Available values

The page size determines how many records the transformer will pull from the data core at a time. The page size can be set to 1000, 5000 or 10000.

Default Start Date

By default, transformers are created with a default start date of 7 days. You can set the default start date of the transformer by setting the defaultStartDateTime field to a number in the manifest file.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
      defaultStartDateTime: "2024-04-09T11:01:57Z"

This will set the default start date of the transformer to selected ISO start time.


This will set the “cursor” of the transformer to the closest event to the selected start date. Do not use this field to start before specific events, this is more for setting the start date to a specific time.


By default, transformers are created with a concurrency of 1. You can set the concurrency of the transformer by setting the concurrency field to a number in the manifest file.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
      concurrency: 5

This will set the number of concurrent executions of the transformer.

Available values

The concurrency can be set to any number between, but a range of 1 and 50 is recommended. This value will determine the amount of concurrent executions of the transformer, and if the transformer is not designed to handle this, it can result in unexpected behavior.


By default, transformers are created with a single replica. You can set the number of replicas of the transformer by setting the replicas field to a number in the manifest file.

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
      replicas: 3

This will determine the number of replicas of the transformer.


The number of replicas will determine the cost of the transformer. A single replica consumes a transformer unit depending on the size of the transformer. The cost of the transformer is calculated by multiplying the number of replicas with the transformer unit cost.



Currently, Postgres and MySQL endpoints are supported as read model endpoints. More endpoints will be added in the future. Also, only the blueprint, matchKey and onMatch fields are checked for updates. If you want to update the table name or type of the endpoint, you will have to delete the endpoint and create a new one.

To add an endpoint to a transformer, you can add the this to the manifest file:

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
        name: example-endpoint
        type: "DATA_CORE"
          dataCore: some-data-core
          flowType: some-flow-type
          eventType: some-event-type

This will set up an endpoint for the transformer that will send data returned from the transformer to the specified data core.

To create a read model endpoint, you can add the following to the manifest file:

tenant: example-tenant
  name: example-scenario
        id: 559d9980-0630-4d0f-8ba0-921a944310b2 # visible in the UI, info icon next to the read model name
        name: example-endpoint # name of the table in the database
        type: "POSTGRES" # or "MYSQL"
              type: "string" # or "text" or "integer" or "decimal" or "boolean"
              length: 255 # optional
          matchKey: "some-key"
          onMatch: "skip" # or "update"

This will set up an endpoint for the transformer that will send data returned from the transformer to the specified database.