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Invite Users to Your Organization

Do you have an organization to invite to?

A prerequisite to inviting users to an organization is that you have an organization to invite them to. If you don’t have an organization, you can create one by following the steps in the Create an Organization guide. If you do not have an account yet, you can create one by following the steps in the Create an Account guide.

Do you have enough contributor seats?

In order to invite users to your organizations, you need to have a sufficient amount of collaborator seats available. The default number of seats on any given organization is 1.

If you are in need of more seats, you can buy additional seats by going through the following steps

To invite users you need to navigate to the organization you want to invite them to.

If you are unsure how to navigate to a specific organization, you can follow these steps.

Once you are in the organization you want to invite users to, you can invite them by following these steps:

  1. press the invite button.
    This may take a second to be enabled, as the organization’s subscription details are being loaded.
Pressing the invite button invites users
  1. Select the role you would like them to have
  2. Search for the user to invite, and select them from the list
Adding a specific user

And there you go! You have successfully invited a user to your organization. 🎉

Users are added immediately!

Currently, inviting a user, will immediately add them to your organization. This means that they will have access to all the resources associated with the organization. So be careful who you invite. This will change in the future