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Reset Adapter

You can reset an adapter in Flowcore using the Flowcore CLI, to run from a set moment in time.

Reset Adapter

To reset an adapter, you can use the flowcore reset adapter command. This command will reset the specified adapter, to a specified moment in time. You can think of it as a rewind button for your adapter, allowing you to rewind to a specific point in time, and replay all the events that have occurred since then.

Terminal window
flowcore reset adapter adapter-name-or-id -s scenario-name -t tenant-name -b bucket-name -e event-id

If you wish to use the adapter id, you can read about how to obtain your adapter id here.


--scenario-sYesThe scenario the adapter resides in. You can obtain all your scenarios within a tenant here.
--tenant-tYesTenant. e.g my-tenant. Meaning, the name of your organization. Which you can find by visiting
--bucket-bNoTime bucket (YYYYMMDDHHmmss or first). This correlates to Year (YYYY), Month (MM), Day (DD), Hour (HH), Minute (mm), Second (ss).
--eventId-eNoTime UUID. This is the UUID of the event you wish to reset to.


To reset an adapter with a specific tenant and scenario:

Terminal window
flowcore reset adapter adapter-name -t tenant-name -s scenario-name -b 20240718110000

To reset an adapter using the first time bucket:

Terminal window
flowcore reset adapter adapter-name -t tenant-name -s scenario-name -b first

To reset an adapter using a specific event ID:

Terminal window
flowcore reset adapter adapter-name -t tenant-name -s scenario-name -e 9cb35da2-ba64-4bb5-86d6-ef20ebc62ab7