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Extend the Flowcore CLI

The Flowcore CLI allows you to stream data from Flowcore. You can extend the CLI and add your own commands to fit your needs.

Add a new plugin

To create a new plugin you can use the flowcore cli

Terminal window
flowcore new plugin <plugin-name>

then you can link the plugin to the flowcore cli to test it

Terminal window
flowcore plugins link <path to plugin directory>

rename the topic to the topic you want to create a command for, for example stream.

if you run flowcore --help you should see your new command in the list.


To create a new stream output you need to add the @flowcore/cli-plugin-core package to your plugin.

yarn add @flowcore/cli-plugin-core

then you can create a new command under the src/commands/stream directory.

import { OutputService, SourceEvent, StreamFlags } from "@flowcore/cli-plugin-core";
import type { Logger } from "@flowcore/cli-plugin-config";
import { ux } from "@oclif/core";
export class EmojiService implements OutputService {
constructor(private readonly logger: Logger) {}
// this is called when the stream is done, but only if the stream is not live
async done(): Promise<void> {"green", "Done!!! 🥳"))
// this is called for each error in the stream
async error(error: Error): Promise<void> {
// this is the description of the output processor, used in the help command
getDescription(): string {
return "Emojify the output"
// this is the name of the output processor
getName(): string {
return "emojify"
// this is called for each event in the stream
async process(event: SourceEvent, streamFlags: StreamFlags): Promise<void> {
const emojiEvent = {
emoji: "😎",

then you can run the command

Terminal window
flowcore stream emojify <STREAM URL> --no-live

and you should see the output logged to the console with the 😎 emoji in each event, and a done message at the end.