Getting Started
Welcome to Flowcathon! This is a workshop where you will learn the basics of the Flowcore platform.
Generally, before the event starts, we will send you an email with the access credentials necessary to complete the challenges.
Alternatively, you can join our Discord server, to which we’ll add a dedicated channel for the workshop, and give you access, in order to obtain the the necessary credentials.
To get started, you will need to create a flowcore account. You can do this by going to and signing in with your Github account.
Verify your account creation, by navigating to your auto-generated organiation
Install the flowcore cli with the following command:
Terminal window npm install -g @flowcore/cliYou can find the full installation instructions here.
Run the following command to login with your flowcore account.
Terminal window flowcore loginYou can find the full login instructions here.
Run the following command to check that you have the correct version.
Terminal window flowcore versionMake sure that you have a method of
ing data to a url from your machine.There are multiple options, depending on your operating system, and preferred tooling. Here are some examples: