3. Transform
To transform data in from any data core, you can use a transformer. You can read more about transformers here.
Challenge A
Create a transformer on your local machine using any programming language you like, the only requirement is that it should listen for a post on an endpoint for example http://localhost:3000/transform
. For the first challenge you can just echo out the data you receive.
To send data to your locally running transformer, you can use the following cli command:
flowcore stream http <stream-url> -d "http://localhost:3000/transform"
This will stream the events from your stream into your transformer, meaning that you can test your transformer locally with real data.
Challenge B
Now that you have confirmed that you are able to stream data from your data core, lets try to transform the data of the challenge-2C data core.
Your challenge is to find the unique event, that is hidden in this haystack of events, and use the information in that event to write the solution to a postgres database that we will provide you with on our discord server. Your credentials will only have access to write to a specific table called af_transform
The table has the following columns: