Exception Guard
A library that helps you handle exceptions in a more elegant way.
Install the Exception Guard
flowcore component add library/exception-guard
Or install the Logger manually
Create a lib/exception-guard.ts
file in your project’s lib folder, and add the following code:
/** * @module ExceptionGuard * This module provides functionality for handling and guarding against exceptions in an API context. */
import { ApiException, ApiInternalServerErrorException, ApiNotFoundException, ApiUnauthorizedException, ApiUnprocessableContentException,} from "@/lib/api-exceptions"import type { Logger } from "@/lib/logger"import { Type } from "@sinclair/typebox"import { Value } from "@sinclair/typebox/value"import type { StatusMap } from "elysia"import type { ElysiaCookie } from "elysia/cookies"import type { HTTPHeaders } from "elysia/types"
/** Represents an error during JSON parsing */type SafeJsonParseError = [Error, undefined]/** Represents a successful JSON parse */type SafeJsonParseSuccess = [undefined, Error]/** Represents the result of a safe JSON parse operation */type SafeJsonParseResult = SafeJsonParseError | SafeJsonParseSuccess
/** * Safely parses a JSON string * @param obj - The string to parse * @returns A tuple containing either an Error and undefined, or undefined and the parsed object */function safeParseJson(obj: string): SafeJsonParseResult { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(obj) return [undefined, parsed] } catch (error) { return [error as Error, undefined] }}
/** Schema for validation errors */export const ValidationErrorSchema = Type.Object({ on: Type.String(), errors: Type.Array( Type.Object({ path: Type.String(), message: Type.String(), }), ),})
/** State to be set in response */type SetState = { headers: HTTPHeaders status?: number | keyof StatusMap redirect?: string cookie?: Record<string, ElysiaCookie>}
/** Result of an error specifier */type ErrorSpecifierResult<T extends ApiException> = | { match: true result: T } | { match: false result?: never }
/** Function to specify how to handle a specific type of ApiException */type ErrorSpecifier<T extends ApiException> = (exception: ApiException) => ErrorSpecifierResult<T>
/** Options for the ExceptionGuard */interface ExceptionGuardOptions { logAllErrors?: boolean}
/** * Builder class for creating an exception guard */export class ExceptionGuardBuilder { private logger: Logger = console private errorSpecifiers: ErrorSpecifier<ApiException>[] = [] private options: ExceptionGuardOptions = {}
/** * Sets the logger for the exception guard * @param logger - The logger to use */ withLogger(logger: Logger) { this.logger = logger return this }
/** * Sets the options for the exception guard * @param options - The options to set */ withOptions(options: ExceptionGuardOptions) { this.options = options return this }
/** * Adds an error specifier to the exception guard * @param specifier - The error specifier to add */ withErrorSpecifier<T extends ApiException>(specifier: ErrorSpecifier<T>) { this.errorSpecifiers.push(specifier) return this }
/** * Builds and returns the exception guard function */ build() { return (code: ErrorCode, set: SetState, error: Error, request: Request) => { if (code === "VALIDATION") { let on: string | undefined let validationErrors: Record<string, string> | undefined const [_err, parsedMessage] = safeParseJson(error.message) if (Value.Check(ValidationErrorSchema, parsedMessage)) { on = parsedMessage.on validationErrors = {} for (const validationError of parsedMessage.errors) { validationErrors[validationError.path] = validationError.message } } // biome-ignore lint/style/noParameterAssign: intentional error = new ApiUnprocessableContentException("Unprocessable Content", on, validationErrors) } else if (code === "NOT_FOUND" && !(error instanceof ApiNotFoundException)) { // biome-ignore lint/style/noParameterAssign: intentional error = new ApiNotFoundException("Not Found") } else if (code === "UNAUTHORIZED" && !(error instanceof ApiUnauthorizedException)) { // biome-ignore lint/style/noParameterAssign: intentional error = new ApiUnauthorizedException() } const apiError = error instanceof ApiException ? error : new ApiInternalServerErrorException()
const errorLogContext = { method: request.method, pathname: new URL(request.url).pathname, }
if (error !== apiError) { this.logger.error(error, errorLogContext) } set.status = apiError.status for (const specifier of this.errorSpecifiers) { const { match, result } = specifier(apiError) if (match) { set.status = result.status if (this.options.logAllErrors) { this.logger.error(result, errorLogContext) } return result } } if (error === apiError && this.options.logAllErrors) { this.logger.error(error, errorLogContext) } return { status: apiError.status, code: apiError.code, message: apiError.status === 500 ? "Internal server error" : apiError.message, } } }}
/** * Creates a new ExceptionGuardBuilder with a default error specifier for ApiUnprocessableContentException * @returns An ExceptionGuardBuilder instance */export function createExceptionGuard() { return new ExceptionGuardBuilder().withErrorSpecifier<ApiUnprocessableContentException>((apiError) => { if (apiError instanceof ApiUnprocessableContentException) { return { match: true, result: { ...apiError, status: apiError.status, code: apiError.code, message: apiError.message, on: apiError.on, errors: apiError.errors, }, } } return { match: false, } })}
To use the Exception Guard, you need to create an instance of the ExceptionGuardBuilder and add your own error specifiers.
const logger = createLogger("server")
const exceptionGuard = createExceptionGuard() .withLogger(logger) .withOptions({ logAllErrors: env.LOG_ALL_ERRORS }) .build()
export const server = new Elysia() .onError(({ code, set, error, request }) => exceptionGuard(code, set, error, request)) // ...